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Improve your Grip.
Improve your Workout.

Hello Friends!

We are a sports grip aid company. Our concept began when our pole fitness friends were finding it difficult to accomplish a full workout because their hands or skin were too sweaty. They've tried many different types of dry hands grip aid with very little success and the ingredients had complex names or were toxic.

We kept our ingredients simple... and gentle because we also had friends with skin sensitivities. We tested out the grip aid amongst our friends with great success. If your skin is too dry to grip, try our dry skin formulas.


Improve your grip. Improve your workout.


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Your Friends!



At Tree Frog Grip, we specialize in providing fitness grip aid for pole fitness and aerial fitness. Our mission is to help fitness enthusiasts maximize their workout with better grip. Our core values include simplicity, quality and effectiveness. Our grip aid formulas are designed to be gentle on the skin while providing maximum grip.

At Tree Frog, we believe in providing the best grip aid for fitness enthusiasts. Our simple and basic ingredients are gentle on skin while providing maximum grip. Try our 3 different formulas for varying grip needs.

Improve your grip.

Improve your workout.



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